We are proud to annouce the launch of the Silent Hunter: Wolves of the Pacific Website. It has screenshots, videos and news articles about the upcoming title. Head over there now to check it out.
If You Haven’t Already…
Be sure to check out Ubi.com for more information on the upcoming Silent Hunter IV.
Todays Q&A
Hans LI Fritz (9te Flottille): Will we be able to “pre”-flood the submarine so that the crew can remain on deck?
A. The crew on the deck options won’t be as restrictive as in SH3.
Ubisoft Celebrates 20 Years
To celebrate 20 years of Ubisoft there are prizes up for grabs over at Ubi.com. Just log in with your normal account (sign up if you don’t have one already) and see if you have won or not. Prizes include the latest games consoles and other great items. Be sure to have a look it is free to enter!
Q&A Roundup
Here is the latest update for Q&A developer questions:
EineSchaufelSand (9te Flottille):Depth Charges – Do different depths have an influence on the impact of detonation?
A.This is an idea we toyed with from SH3, but haven’t been able so far to put it in the game.
TheRealPotoroo: Will SH4 include team voice support?
A. Negative, the game will not include it. It is possible to use freely available tools such as Teamspeak, but for immersion considerations one should remember that communication between submarines was, in fact, quite limited at the time.